Where does back pain indicate what disease?

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  daily life or have incorrect working behavior It will result in causing the back to bear too much weight. Which back pain in various areas is definitely not good for our body. which may be very dangerous It may be the cause of some disease such as

Where does back pain indicate what disease?

  • Diseases of the ligaments and muscles of the back The duration of the pain lasts approximately 1 to 2 weeks. You will feel a stiffness in your back. Because the muscles are tense. When you put your hand on the back, you will feel pain.
  • Degenerative joint disease of the spine lower back pain Cause by bone degeneration. That may be caused by the patient’s advancing age. Carrying too much weight This causes the cervical disc to accumulate injuries over time. As a result, the bones deteriorate faster than normal.
  • lumbar disc disease Patients with this disease will have pain in the lumbar region. In some cases, the pain may go down to the legs and feet. This is caused by the bone structure being use so hard that it deteriorates. Causing it to press against the nerves
lower back pain
  • spinal stenosis Most often occurs in the elderly. Caused by degeneration of the spinal discs and joints. As a result, the fascia compresses the nerve. in early stage patients ยูฟ่าเบท http://ufabet999.app There will be a lot of pain in the lower back.
  • spinal deformity disease Also known as scoliosis. In some cases, it may occur from a young age. This causes patients with chronic back pain. Including difficulty breathing. Because of being press against the abdominal area.
  • spinal infection It is cause by infection. It usually occurs in 3 locations: the cervical disc area spine and the area within the bone cavity The patient will have pain in the back of the waist. May occur acutely.
lower back pain
  • non-infectious inflammation of the spine. The cause of this disease cannot yet be clearly determined. But it is assumed that it is caused by genetics. It is found in more men than women. Which has chronic back pain. Which may last more than 3 months in some cases
  • cancer of the spine In the case of cancer, before you know it, the cancer has spread to various areas. of the spine already Back pain is just one symptom of the body’s symptoms. which if observed regularly You will see deformities in the bones, such as in the arms and legs.
  • Kidney disease, back pain is Symptoms of kidney disease. This may be cause by blockage of the ureter. Or glomerulonephritis This causes our kidneys to work harder. Besides back pain Can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. Pain in the waist area can also occur.
Back pain in the waist area
  • Office Syndrome This disease is very common among working people. Most had upper back pain combined with neck pain. Caused by bending your head to work or staring at a computer for a long time. This disease can be treat with therapy and physical exercise.
  • Coronary heart disease Most often it is an internal disease that results in back pain. It is almost all about the heart. This is because coronary artery stenosis causes chest pain. If it becomes more severe, it will spread to the back and shoulder blade area.